You will build the knowledge and skills needed for financial wellness and begin thinking about making a living and managing your own finances. You will move from financial literacy to developing financial capacity as you continue to develop strong habits and practical skills you will use in your future.
This course introduces financial issues and decisions that students may already face and address topics such as the purpose of money, the importance of decision making as it applies to finances, information security, budgeting fundamentals, contracts, maintaining accurate financial records and the concept of interest.
You will learn about interest, financial risks, investments, and how the stock market works. You will also look at financial contracts, compare buying, renting, and leasing, and learn why protecting against financial loss is important, to prepare you for financial success.
You will also have the opportunity to explore potential financial career paths.
This course also has a dual credit option with Saskatchewan Polytechnic.
Money Planning
Taxation and Earnings
Protecting your Financial Future
Managing Your Credit
Agreements and Financial Implications
No Proctored Exams
What is a proctor?Reliable internet connection and device to submit course work, including speakers or headphones.
Online course material and course timetable
Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre provides Kindergarten to Grade 12 courses to Saskatchewan students who choose to study online. We empower students and families to choose the learning environment that works best for them, while supporting their graduation plan.