This course is designed to develop knowledge and understanding of marketing techniques. It includes analysis of marketing operations, product assortment, price structure, channel of distribution, and promotion of goods and services.
Only offered in Semester 2
This course may or may not align with the K-12 school calendar, and instead, it might adhere to its own post-secondary calendar. For specific information about start dates, please refer to the respective post-secondary institution's website.
Registration for this course is closed for the 2024-25 academic year.
Post-Secondary Institution: Lakeland College
Post-Secondary Credit: MK170: Marketing Principles
High School Credit: Marketing 30L
Students interested in registering for this course must read the Lakeland College Dual Credit Process and read the course description on this website:
This course requires tuition to be paid by the student as well as the possibility of extra fees for course resources (e.g., textbooks).
If you intend on taking this course, it is important that you speak with your high school Career Guidance Counsellor / Principal or Sask DLC Academic Advisor. They will assist you with the Sask DLC registration process to ensure your high school credit is properly awarded.
Since this course is offered directly from Lakeland College and not Sask DLC, there is a different registration process. If you are interested in taking this dual credit course please fill out Lakeland College’s Dual Credit Interest Form.
Once the student registers and pays for the course, Lakeland College will send the student information (by email) with course access.
Once the student has successfully completed the course, proof of completion will need to be provided to the Sask DLC liaison teacher to receive high school credit.
Lakeland College tuition and fees
If you have questions regarding registration or course information, please reach out to Kurtis Heath at
Exam requirements for this course are determined by the post-secondary institution
What is a proctor?Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre provides Kindergarten to Grade 12 courses to Saskatchewan students who choose to study online. We empower students and families to choose the learning environment that works best for them, while supporting their graduation plan.