Power Engineering Class 4 A1 30L

You will gain foundational knowledge in boiler and machinery operation, maintenance and safety. This course combines online theory with steam time labs that will provide hands-on experience in the industry.

If you're seeking a career in power engineering, this course serves as an entry-level course.


A complete Grade 10, recommend strong math and science skills. Completion of Class 5 Power Engineering is not required to take Class 4.


Online Asynchronous


Elective 30

What Will I Learn?

The knowledge you gain about plant safety, boilers, electrotechnology, piping, prime movers and pumps will help you understand a power engineer's responsibilities from operating and maintaining equipment to following strict safety and regulatory standards. A solid understanding of these topics will prepare you for future courses and long-term career growth in the power engineering field.

The Power Engineering Class 4 program is recognized by Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan (TSASK) and follows the Standardization of Power Engineering Examinations Committee (SOPEEC) curriculum and creating an opportunity for Saskatchewan high school and adult students to complete both the theoretical and hands-on training required to be employable in the field of power engineering.

Successful completion of this course involves:

  • 100 hours of online theory

  • 100 hours of hands-on steam time training

Steam Time Training Options

Students have 3 options to choose from when they are ready for their steam time.

  1. Sask DLC can arrange 6 weekend steam time sessions. These labs will require travel to the location and will provide 80 hours of mandatory, hands-on training. bs

  • Completing both the weekend lab component of the Sask DLC program and an additional 120 hours of steam time at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. Travel may be required.

Click here to learn more.

We will do our best to find a local work placement; however, we may not be able to accommodate placements in all situations, and/or some travel may be required. 
Travel is at the student’s expense. If you have questions about work placements or Sask DLC courses, email helpdesk@saskDLC.ca or call our main office at 306-252-1000.


No Proctored Exams

What is a proctor?

Course Materials

You Will Need

Supplied by Sask DLC

Textbooks are not required to complete this course. Students can purchase textbooks at their own expense, if they wish. Talk to your instructor if you would like to purchase textbooks.

Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre provides Kindergarten to Grade 12 courses to Saskatchewan students who choose to study online. We empower students and families to choose the learning environment that works best for them, while supporting their graduation plan.


