Tourisme 10

Tourisme 10 is an introduction to the five industries that make up the tourism sector. Students explore the impact of tourism on the local community and province while also considering the importance of sustainable practices, quality customer service and professionalism.




Online Asynchronous


PAA 10

What Will I Learn?

Students will examine the importance of tourism activities in fostering an understanding and respect for the differences between cultures and people, as well as an appreciation of Saskatchewan's ecological heritage.

Tourisme 10 is an introduction to the five industries:

  • food and beverage

  • accommodation

  • recreation and entertainment

  • transportation

  • travel services

Note: Students need to have been previously in French Immersion to register in this course.

Units of Study

Les principes de base de l’industrie du tourisme

Les attractions et évènements touristiques


No Proctored Exams

What is a proctor?

Course Materials

You Will Need

Supplied by Sask DLC

Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre provides Kindergarten to Grade 12 courses to Saskatchewan students who choose to study online. We empower students and families to choose the learning environment that works best for them, while supporting their graduation plan.


